Thursday, July 2, 2009

Quotes across the continent!

Second Star to the Right and Straight on until Morning…

Houston, we have a problem…

And it wasn’t the size of my car compared to the amount of luggage I had. Despite initial misgivings this actually worked out reasonably well. All the luggage went into the car, even leaving a chocolate sized gap between the bags. I faired slightly less well, sustaining a few knocks and bruises trying to jam everything in.

No, the problem was leaving the city on the I-45 at rush hour on a major holiday weekend and thinking I would actually arrive anywhere on time!

Despite traffic jams, sat nav failure, exploding drinks, traffic accidents and horrendous one way systems I did eventually arrive. What should have been a four hour journey taking nearly six. (I’m not holding out much hope for the 11 hours trek tomorrow!)

I did also ponder a few of life’s driving anomalies… who did devise one way systems, and has anyone ever encountered one that actually works? How come my car is so clever it can alter the radio volume to accommodate road noise, alter the acceleration to overcome inclines when on cruise control but is so uncomfortable to sit in after 2 hours? When does day become night for speed limit purposes?

Hopefully answers tomorrow… much more pondering time available.


  1. Good blog and good questions.

    Take frequent breaks and brake frequently, you'll be fine :)

  2. ha well worded calyn! you should be one of those funny journalists who write about stuff they want to whine about! Wish i was there with you, though it sounds uncomfortable, and like there isnt enough room for me anyway!! take care, dads worried sick over here, i think hes forgotten that your a grown up! xxx
