Sunday, June 8, 2014

Ghana be...Fun

It Really IS The Final Countdown:

I really haven’t written anywhere near as often as I should have, particularly in the last few months.  I am struggling to believe that the last post I made was in November. I should be ashamed of myself. Now I am in the last few hours before leaving I am finally getting around to putting together the last few photo memories before I leave.

Corner Shop
Four years on- and no more built.
Another shop
Ghana has been an adventure- a distinct change of life style from the US before it, and as I am sure Dubai will be after it.  Ghana has had its challenges and frustrations, power, water and open sewers to name but a few… but it has had its rewards too. I’ve met some fantastic people; I’ve had opportunities to see wildlife and I know I have been able to make positive changes.

I’ve learned that, “my husband says, no.” Is a reason for not doing anything you don’t want to- including paying bribes, and fines. I have consistently found that even though I have carried a bag all the way from school to my home, as soon as the guard sees me he runs down the street to take it from me- with cries of, “madam, madam, no- you must let me help!” This also applies to trying to carry a shopping bag from the car to the front door- a distance of all of 10 steps J

Then there are things that happen here to make my life easier that I know won’t happen when I am back in Europe and I don’t even notice until they are gone. No longer will someone pack my bags, take them to the car and load the car, in future I know I will no only have to pack and carry my own bags, but remember to take them and pay for them in the first place. More than once in Europe have I found myself causing a queue as I stand and talk at the check out, oblivious to the fact I should be packing and moving my own bags, or standing in front of a door waiting for someone to open it- really pushing it should not be too hard! I know I will all of this when it ends.

I have spent three years whinging about the need for razor wire, electric fencing, security gates and guards outside my house 27/4, but I also know that next week I will miss the cheery hello, have a good day, how was work and smile as I come and go.

For now, it is back to Europe and the US for the summer- seeing friends and family, catching up on news and adventures, easting some good food, and buying some new clothes. Then onto Dubai for a new job and whole new round of experiences and challenges. I can’t wait!
Lotto Tickets
Ghanian Problem Solving
Huge mosque- under construction....